Fearlessly send your email campaigns with this preflight checklist

Fearlessly send your email campaigns with this preflight checklist

Last updated

Sending an email campaign can be a nerve-wracking experience for any marketer. Many questions, doubts, and even a little fear run through your mind. Are there typos that were missed? Do all the links work? Will readers be engaged and respond to the email? You proof and edit of course but is that enough to ensure you haven’t overlooked anything?

With email marketing being an important strategy for any business, it’s crucial that each email sent be the best possible. After all, for every $1 spent, email marketing generates $44 in ROI, and you don’t want to miss out on that for a simple mistake.

To help alleviate the send fear and avoid the most common email errors, Campaign Monitor is happy to share this email campaign preflight checklist. It covers each part of an email, like subject line, preheader text, and images, and also helps with other aspects of a send that you may not have thought about like testing and analytics.

Get the Email Campaign Preflight Checklist today and fearlessly send your next email.

Email Campaign Preflight Checklist - Infographic by Campaign Monitor

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