How RocketBlocks improved their email templates and started sending with Amazon SES

How RocketBlocks improved their email templates and started sending with Amazon SES

How RocketBlocks improved their email templates and started sending with Amazon SES

Last updated

RocketBlocks help students build and hone the skills they need to succeed in job interviews. They are sending various transactional emails using Amazon SES.

Here we speak with their CEO, Kenton Kivestu, about how they made their HTML Email templates more professional in half a day.

Kenton Kivestu

“The process was super simple. We went from discovery to implemented in production in roughly 1/2 a day.”

— Kenton Kivestu, CEO

What was the challenge you were facing?

Before this, our emails were really janky. We didn’t have the time to invest in figuring out cross-client issues so we went with really barebones, text-only ones. But we were sending enough emails between invoices, forgot password, booking confirmations etc. that it seemed like a big customer touch point to waste with a really “meh” experience.

RocketBlocks helps students prepare for interviews.

How did HTML Email templates help solve this problem?

Email templates really helped us because we used a slightly modified version, added in our logo, the right social media buttons and all of a sudden we had a pretty good template which would provide a good experience across clients and device types (web vs. mobile). They looked significantly better!

What were the results?

The process was super simple. We went from discovery, literally finding the site for the first time, to implemented in production in roughly 1/2 a day. We we’re pretty happy with that.

RocketBlocks booking notification.

Transaction email templates for Amazon SES

If you want to make your emails more professional looking take a look at our templates.

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